Numeric Derivatives

Forward Differences

上面的公式是最简单最基本的数值微分形式。它被称为 Forward Difference 公式。那么如何在 Ceres Solver 中构建 Rat43Analytic (Rat43) 的数值微分版本。

  • 构建一个 CostFunction 通过使用 NumericDiffCostFunction。


struct Rat43CostFunctor {
  Rat43CostFunctor(const double x, const double y) : x_(x), y_(y) {}

  bool operator()(const double* parameters, double* residuals) const {
    const double b1 = parameters[0];
    const double b2 = parameters[1];
    const double b3 = parameters[2];
    const double b4 = parameters[3];
    residuals[0] = b1 * pow(1.0 + exp(b2 -  b3 * x_), -1.0 / b4) - y_;
    return true;

  const double x_;
  const double y_;

CostFunction* cost_function =
  new NumericDiffCostFunction<Rat43CostFunctor, FORWARD, 1, 4>(x, y);

NumericDiffCostFunction实现了一种对给定函子进行数值微分的通用算法,虽然 NumericDiffCostFunction的实际实现很复杂,但最终结果是一个大致如下的 CostFunction,实现了一种对给定函子进行数值微分的通用算法。

class Rat43NumericDiffForward : public SizedCostFunction<1,4> {
     Rat43NumericDiffForward(const Rat43Functor* functor) : functor_(functor) {}
     virtual ~Rat43NumericDiffForward() {}
     virtual bool Evaluate(double const* const* parameters,
                           double* residuals,
                           double** jacobians) const {
       functor_(parameters[0], residuals);
       if (!jacobians) return true;
       double* jacobian = jacobians[0];
       if (!jacobian) return true;

       const double f = residuals[0];
       double parameters_plus_h[4];
       for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
         std::copy(parameters, parameters + 4, parameters_plus_h);
         const double kRelativeStepSize = 1e-6;
         const double h = std::abs(parameters[i]) * kRelativeStepSize;
         parameters_plus_h[i] += h;
         double f_plus;
         functor_(parameters_plus_h, &f_plus);
         jacobian[i] = (f_plus - f) / h;
       return true;

     std::unique_ptr<Rat43Functor> functor_;

Central Differences

CostFunction* cost_function =
  new NumericDiffCostFunction<Rat43CostFunctor, CENTRAL, 1, 4>(
    new Rat43CostFunctor(x, y));


  1. Forward Difference 不是最好的用来评估导数的方法,随着步长的减小, Central Difference 可以更快地收敛到更准确的导数估计。所以说,除非计算一次 $f(x)$ 极其耗时,在一般情况下尽量使用 Central Difference

Ridders’ Method

回顾一下 central differences 的误差



The above tableau is the basis of Ridders’ method for numeric differentiation. The full implementation is an adaptive scheme that tracks its own estimation error and stops automatically when the desired precision is reached. Of course it is more expensive than the forward and central difference formulae, but is also significantly more robust and accurate.

Using Ridder’s method instead of forward or central differences in Ceres is again a simple matter of changing a template argument to NumericDiffCostFunction as follows:

CostFunction* cost_function =
  new NumericDiffCostFunction<Rat43CostFunctor, RIDDERS, 1, 4>(
    new Rat43CostFunctor(x, y));

Going back to Rat43, let us also look at the runtime cost of the various methods for computing numeric derivatives.

As expected, Central Differences is about twice as expensive as Forward Differences and the remarkable accuracy improvements of Ridders’ method cost an order of magnitude more runtime.


Numeric differentiation should be used when you cannot compute the derivatives either analytically or using automatic differentiation. This is usually the case when you are calling an external library or function whose analytic form you do not know or even if you do, you are not in a position to re-write it in a manner required to use Automatic Derivatives.

When using numeric differentiation, use at least Central Differences, and if execution time is not a concern or the objective function is such that determining a good static relative step size is hard, Ridders’ method is recommended.

Last updated